Friday 3 June 2005

Decomposed Special K

Just a quick note on the reaction from Special K. She loved it. As far as I could tell.

She was blown away that somebody would spend their time choosing tracks for her, ones that could possibly describe her emotions from various perspectives. The whole concept seemed so alien to her but she was sold on the idea.

We ended up driving over to a friend's house and I put the CD on. From the very beginning I could hear little squeals of pleasure coming from the back seat. Special K announced that she would now sit quiet for a bit to shut us all up. The atmosphere in the car suddenly changed and became very surreal. The drive morphed into a subtemporal adventure where everyone in the car tuned into the sounds coming out of the speakers. It was rather overwhelming. From the little attempts at singing I gathered that not only did Special K know the tracks, she also liked them...

It was never hard to choose the music for her. We have spent quite a few weekends together and the story is always the same. She takes over the computer and becomes a recovery DJ. It's amazing what can happen when an artist sits in front of a massive collection of music where virtually all of the songs need to be played right there and then. Most of the time she doesn't even finish listening to one before starting the next one. Cute.

We are all sick of life at the moment. The trouble, the hassle, the issues. We are all taking it easy too despite being able to party like there is no tomorrow. But our get-togethers are different. Some people even think they are freaky. We simply get wasted, all danced-out and then the best part of the night begins - The Recovery.

This is when we sit down in a circle, somebody takes care of the music - usually yours truly or Special K and we just talk. However, we talk the raw, the painful, the hidden. We will drag out the most difficult and festy subjects that sit on our minds and network about solutions. There could be anger and tears but somehow we find it healing. There was just too much drama in our lives to hide it anymore. And the benefit of doing it in a group setting is that we can get various perspectives on the topic. Albeit, we don't always agree on the offered points of view.

There is no need to glorify or sugar-coat any of this though. That would not even be true. Each and every one of us can be a real prick at times. A real lier. A double-crosser. I have turned so many times before on people, especially when the body craved rest. But by the middle of the week, we miraculously revive and yearn for more. It seems to work.

I don't anticipate too much from any of this. Life seems to carry on in the most mysterious of ways. I wouldn't be surprised if I lost touch with these people in the future, like has happened so many times before. Yet, there is no need to worry about that elusive "future time". There is no time like present and just being in the here-now suffices.

Track listing for the first in the series of "Decomposing I AM" is available in the usual place. As outlined in the other posts.

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