Wednesday 6 February 2008

Immanuel Velikovsky - The Bonds of the Past

Immanuel Velikovsky - The Bonds of the Past
55 min 54 sec - Sep 3, 2007
Average rating: (12 ratings)

Immanuel Velikovsky proposed in his 1950's book Worlds in Collision that many myths and traditions of ancient peoples and cultures are based on actual events.

Worldwide global catastrophes of a celestial origin, which had a profound effect on the lives, beliefs and writings of early mankind.

This is a documentary about Immanuel Velikovsky's discoveries by Henry Zemel. First telecast on February 22, 1972 by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.


Immanuel Velikovsky (June 10, 1895 (NS) – November 17, 1979) is best known as the author of a number of controversial books on pre-history, particularly the US bestseller Worlds in Collision (1950). Earlier in his life, he played a role in the founding of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and was a respected psychiatrist/psychoanalyst.

His books primarily used comparative mythology and ancient literary sources (not least the Bible) to propose that the Earth had suffered catastrophic close-contacts with other planets in the solar system (principally Venus and Mars), during and before recorded history.

He argued that electromagnetic effects played an important role in celestial mechanics. He also proposed a revised chronology of Ancient Egypt, Greece, the Land of Israel and the Near East, aiming to eliminate Dark Ages and reconcile Biblical history with both archeology and Egyptian chronology.

Generally, Velikovsky's theories have been vigorously rejected by the academic community, but despite, or perhaps because of this, Velikovsky's books sold well, with claims of unfair treatment by the mainstream providing a rallying call for Velikovsky's lay supporters.
Source: Cassopedia - The True Encyclopedia


The documentary about psychopaths was just posted, when this little nugget popped out of nowhere… Very surreptitiously, almost as if some cosmic joker pulled a naughty slight-of-hand on the events of that day...

I guess, when you follow your heart, all else falls into place.

When you consider these two movies together - on one hand, you have a story about psychopaths who dwell in a bizarre inner world - a very morose and hollow place, one devoid of emotions or empathy. Subjectivity in its purest form reins supreme here.

On the other hand, we have a very tangible reality where actual rocks fly around in outer space causing death and destruction in their path. Here we have a rather objective and tangible world. Here we have no need for prolonged deliberation or wondering about the reality of the phenomenon.

I guess, this sort of implies, “The rocks, planets – whatever, are just flying above our heads so deal with it”.

Lately, I am pondering on that – for some reason. This whole shebang with rocks and impacts and how often it happens – and most importantly – how do you survive such events, have been on my mind lately…

When I read Velikovsky’s ever-excellent “Worlds in Collision”, it was a challenging book. I don’t think it was the language he used – that was pretty much straight down the line. I believe it was the content – the meaning of what he was trying to convey was creating some sort of internal response in me that made me switch off.

To this day, it is difficult for me to remember the content – however, I do remember how much I struggled to read it. Why??

Because I am attempting to deal with the implications of the subject matter. Not the bodily implications – but how survival connects to the spiritual aspects of our existence.

Are my bodily experiences predetermined by the blueprint of the soul? How does that work?

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